Precise Planning is the key to prevail!

We do Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE), acting as an Event Planner, Professional Congress Organizer (PCO), and also a Destination Management Company (DMC).

Who we are?

We are proud to bring you 15 years of experience with the excitement of our very first event. We held and prevailed so many congresses, symposiums, meetings, and events in the past, that we know precise planning is the secret to prevent the unpredicted. That is why we knead this to our name.

  • We are an organization team working with a team of experienced event planners, digital marketing planners, web-app developers, Catering, and Hotel experts. Our goal is to help your events’ communications strategy and planning powered by local knowledge with modern understanding to shape the meeting industry.
  • We believe in the importance of creating lasting and unique moments that will leave a mark.
  • We keep the relations strong with our customers in order to continue growing the overall cooperation.
  • We are looking for new information in the medical market through exploring potential clients and business models.
  • We are keeping up with the trends of the customers’ sector; new technologies and management strategies, alteration in its competitive landscape, and operational efficiencies.
  • We co-operate with the companies during their time of need as such; consulting for negotiation and closing major deals, creating a new business model, etc..
  • Effectively analyze market opportunities, trends, and pipelines.


Company Info

Company Name:

Prekon Events Turizm Organizasyon ve Sağlık Hizmetleri Ticaret Limited Şirketi 

Tic. Sic. No: 475045-5
Mersis No: 0733118426400001
Pendik V.D. 733 118 4264

Bank Details:

TR74 0006 2001 0160 0006 2963 02 

TR63 0006 2001 0160 0009 0774 90

TR87 0006 2001 0160 0009 0765 73

Swift Code


Jinekolojik Cerrahi Derneği
Pelvik Taban ve Kozmetik Jinekoloji Derneği
İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı
Fuat Yüksel Akademi

Contact Us Now

We are here to answer any questions you may have!


: +90 (530) 955 8322 (WhatsApp, Telegram)

: [email protected]

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